I was way too busy yesterday to post, but better late than never. This guy gets props for conquering the distance (especially carrying a backpack) but the photographer-sheesh!
"V" is for Victory-rock on buddy, rock on.
Chronicling my adventures as a minimalist long distance runner in Nova Scotia.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
New Barefoot PB!
Saturday my VFFs got a good 30 minute workout on the indoor track at the sportsplex where my daughter takes ballet and swimming. After a week on the treadmill it was really nice to actually move forward when I run. I think I did 4-4.5k on the track, so in my VFFs that's not too bad. I would have preferred to run barefoot but the rink where the track is was so cold I couldn't bear to lose any clothing.
Yesterday I felt a bit stressed between handling my daughter on my own (and therefore sleep deprived), the standard cleaning that needed to be done, a trip to the local market then preparing the house for my sister in-law and her two kids to spend the night. So I decided to jump on the treadmill for a bit of stress relief. I popped in Spirit of the Marathon and off I went. If you've read my previous posts you'd know I've decided that when I run on the treadmill there's no need for any shoes so I go barefoot. After my standard 30 minutes I did a body-systems check and everything felt great so I just kept going. At 45 minutes I stopped, but only because I was concerned I would overdo it if I went for a full hour. But 45 minutes is a new PB time for running barefoot for me! Yay! My feet always feel a little hot after a new time goal is reached, but there are no blisters or sore spots at all. I'm now fantasizing about running my next marathon (the Bluenose this coming May) 50/50 between VFFs and Barefoot. Time will tell. First I have a whole whack of training to do between now and then. But for now things look promising!
Yesterday I felt a bit stressed between handling my daughter on my own (and therefore sleep deprived), the standard cleaning that needed to be done, a trip to the local market then preparing the house for my sister in-law and her two kids to spend the night. So I decided to jump on the treadmill for a bit of stress relief. I popped in Spirit of the Marathon and off I went. If you've read my previous posts you'd know I've decided that when I run on the treadmill there's no need for any shoes so I go barefoot. After my standard 30 minutes I did a body-systems check and everything felt great so I just kept going. At 45 minutes I stopped, but only because I was concerned I would overdo it if I went for a full hour. But 45 minutes is a new PB time for running barefoot for me! Yay! My feet always feel a little hot after a new time goal is reached, but there are no blisters or sore spots at all. I'm now fantasizing about running my next marathon (the Bluenose this coming May) 50/50 between VFFs and Barefoot. Time will tell. First I have a whole whack of training to do between now and then. But for now things look promising!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Up to 50% BF!
With my DH being away in Ohio and me taking care of our daughter here at home I've been slightly restricted with regards to where I can run. Lately my training has been consisting of a 5k walk, downhill in the morning and uphill in the evening pushing a jogging stroller (ugh) to and from daycare, then a ~5k run on the dreadmill in the evenings. Barefoot. It's going great! Yes, my feet were a bit black from the belt the first time (which necessitated me scrubbing the bathtub to remove the stains), but overall it's worked out really well. I think when I finally have some time to visit the indoor track again I'll start doing those runs barefoot too. I might as well keep it up. This week I've managed 20km barefoot so I think I can handle my 8-10k runs on the indoor track.
The funny thing is, when I tell my DH about running barefoot he's totally mystified. He doesn't understand why anyone would run barefoot. And he runs in Vibrams occasionally. He thinks the human foot is ugly, I don't. I've always liked my feet-Morton's Toes and all. So maybe that's the missing link. I don't mind running barefoot because I like the look of my feet.
So two and a half more weeks of this routine and then a whole new routine will begin. I used to be an early morning runner, but now I'll have to compromise on that, unless I'm willing to get up at 4:30am to run. Yikes. I think I can do that once and awhile, but not for every run. For now I'll be happy with this and see what the next few weeks bring.
The funny thing is, when I tell my DH about running barefoot he's totally mystified. He doesn't understand why anyone would run barefoot. And he runs in Vibrams occasionally. He thinks the human foot is ugly, I don't. I've always liked my feet-Morton's Toes and all. So maybe that's the missing link. I don't mind running barefoot because I like the look of my feet.
So two and a half more weeks of this routine and then a whole new routine will begin. I used to be an early morning runner, but now I'll have to compromise on that, unless I'm willing to get up at 4:30am to run. Yikes. I think I can do that once and awhile, but not for every run. For now I'll be happy with this and see what the next few weeks bring.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday's Wickedly Bad Running Pic of the Week
So I thought I would add some variety to this blog, so starting this week I'm adding Wednesday's Wickedly Bad Running Picture to this blog. Check back here each Wednesday to see if you see a familiar minimalist/barefoot runner :-) I'll start with my own nasty picture, taken at the Valley Harvest 10k race on 10-10-10. Enjoy. Really ;-)
Honestly I didn't feel as exhausted as I apparently looked!!
Honestly I didn't feel as exhausted as I apparently looked!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Valley Harvest 10k Race Report
First I was going to run the Valley Marathon, then after some job-changes on my husband's part I decided on the Valley Half. Then I fell down a few weeks ago and the Valley Half turned into the Valley 10k race for me. Still, I was happy to finally being able to just do the Valley-something in my VFFS!
My husband (who also ran the Valley 10k) and I dropped our daughter at my Mom's place the night before, ate some great sushi at Sushi Nami and hit the sack early. My alarm went off at 6am-I think. I pressed snooze until 6:20 and then we both ran around the house like crazy people getting ready to head out the door and hit the road for the hour long drive at 7am. We downed a Pepsi Max about 30 minutes before we arrived so I had a little energy kick that helped us both sprint around the university looking for the race kit pick up area. Finally we found where we needed to be and grabbed out little orange bags and headed outside to get pulled together.
I decided to try a 25mg Gu for the first time-I know, I know "Never try anything new on race day." Yeah, those words would haunt me later. But I figured. Hey, a 10k is a walk in the park so what the heck I could use all the caffeine I could get. My DH wanted to start in the back for this race, so we compromised on being near the back, but not dead last. The race started and off we went, walking then running as we crossed the mat. We had agreed to a 5:30 pace average. As we came up on a half kilometer I asked DH if he wanted me to lead, since running 2-abreast was next to impossible with the crowd. He said yes and off I went. I didn't see him again until the finish! He said he had to take a walk break around the 2km mark and lost me as I crested a hill. Still, I had a great time. The wind hit everyone hard as we crossed the dykes, but aside from that the route was well planned, the crowd was super supportive and there were plenty of aid stations. I found myself picking people off right up to the 9k mark when major stomach cramps forced me to a walk/run. Darn GU, should have taken a second one at the 5k mark..or maybe that Gatorade at the last aid station...ah well.
I had a few people comment on my VFFs. One guy ran up to me and asked if that was what I was wearing. I said "yes" and he said "OK" and dropped back. Guess he just wanted to check? A spectator yelled out "Nice Shoes" at the turn-around point. Another lady in a skirt caught up to me and asked about them, how I liked them, where she could buy a pair, running injuries, the whole gamut. She eventually passed me and then when I reached the track for the final lap before the finish I found myself next to her and we decided to finish it together. I kept looking behind me for my DH, but I couldn't find him. Turns out he was only about a minute behind me, but that was just far enough that neither of us could catch sight of the other. I got my medal and waited for my DH at the finish line. Sure enough there he was gutting out the last few meters. We high-fived as he crossed and then we went in search of food, drink and showers.
I've been to other post-race parties that had alot more food but neither of us was too hungry so we grabbed bananas and chocolate milk and headed for the showers. All that done we were both happy with our results. I managed a 1:01 in my VFFs and with a knee injury and he managed a 1:02 with next to no training. All in all much better than we expected!!
My husband (who also ran the Valley 10k) and I dropped our daughter at my Mom's place the night before, ate some great sushi at Sushi Nami and hit the sack early. My alarm went off at 6am-I think. I pressed snooze until 6:20 and then we both ran around the house like crazy people getting ready to head out the door and hit the road for the hour long drive at 7am. We downed a Pepsi Max about 30 minutes before we arrived so I had a little energy kick that helped us both sprint around the university looking for the race kit pick up area. Finally we found where we needed to be and grabbed out little orange bags and headed outside to get pulled together.
I decided to try a 25mg Gu for the first time-I know, I know "Never try anything new on race day." Yeah, those words would haunt me later. But I figured. Hey, a 10k is a walk in the park so what the heck I could use all the caffeine I could get. My DH wanted to start in the back for this race, so we compromised on being near the back, but not dead last. The race started and off we went, walking then running as we crossed the mat. We had agreed to a 5:30 pace average. As we came up on a half kilometer I asked DH if he wanted me to lead, since running 2-abreast was next to impossible with the crowd. He said yes and off I went. I didn't see him again until the finish! He said he had to take a walk break around the 2km mark and lost me as I crested a hill. Still, I had a great time. The wind hit everyone hard as we crossed the dykes, but aside from that the route was well planned, the crowd was super supportive and there were plenty of aid stations. I found myself picking people off right up to the 9k mark when major stomach cramps forced me to a walk/run. Darn GU, should have taken a second one at the 5k mark..or maybe that Gatorade at the last aid station...ah well.
I had a few people comment on my VFFs. One guy ran up to me and asked if that was what I was wearing. I said "yes" and he said "OK" and dropped back. Guess he just wanted to check? A spectator yelled out "Nice Shoes" at the turn-around point. Another lady in a skirt caught up to me and asked about them, how I liked them, where she could buy a pair, running injuries, the whole gamut. She eventually passed me and then when I reached the track for the final lap before the finish I found myself next to her and we decided to finish it together. I kept looking behind me for my DH, but I couldn't find him. Turns out he was only about a minute behind me, but that was just far enough that neither of us could catch sight of the other. I got my medal and waited for my DH at the finish line. Sure enough there he was gutting out the last few meters. We high-fived as he crossed and then we went in search of food, drink and showers.
I've been to other post-race parties that had alot more food but neither of us was too hungry so we grabbed bananas and chocolate milk and headed for the showers. All that done we were both happy with our results. I managed a 1:01 in my VFFs and with a knee injury and he managed a 1:02 with next to no training. All in all much better than we expected!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Giveaway Contest from iRunFar!
Hey, I just wanted anyone who might pass by this page to know that iRunFar, a great running resource and website is having a gear giveaway. Their site is: http://www.irunfar.com/
You have until October 15th to post a comment and try to win some pretty awesome gear! (Open to US and Canadian residents only)
You have until October 15th to post a comment and try to win some pretty awesome gear! (Open to US and Canadian residents only)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Getting back in the Saddle
After the fall 2 weeks ago I haven't run a single step. The frustration was killing me until last night when I jumped on the treadmill (barefoot ;-) and went for an awesome 2 miler. Ahhh. There's nothing like a good shake out run to make you feel human again. And, I ran to one of my favorite shows; Star Trek Voyager which is in re-runs on Spike-sweeet.
I'm so glad to be making my way back from this little running layoff. To be totally honest, I'm actually a bit nervous to run the same route again so for now I'm not really minding the "dreadmill." I know that the fall was my fault-I wasn't paying attention. But on the treadmill I have to pay attention or I'll fly off the thing. I have a 10k race on Sunday I can prep for and after that it will be base building time for next year's marathons and hopefully, finally, an ultra. So, since my DH is taking off for 3 weeks of work training and I'll be home alone with our 4 year old daughter I'll be doing alot of treadmill running..and for the first time in 3 years, I'm good with that.

Here's a poem I read awhile ago but right now really hits home:
I will never know myself until I do this on my own,
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed,
I will never be anything till I break away from me,
I will break away, I'll find myself today.
I'm so glad to be making my way back from this little running layoff. To be totally honest, I'm actually a bit nervous to run the same route again so for now I'm not really minding the "dreadmill." I know that the fall was my fault-I wasn't paying attention. But on the treadmill I have to pay attention or I'll fly off the thing. I have a 10k race on Sunday I can prep for and after that it will be base building time for next year's marathons and hopefully, finally, an ultra. So, since my DH is taking off for 3 weeks of work training and I'll be home alone with our 4 year old daughter I'll be doing alot of treadmill running..and for the first time in 3 years, I'm good with that.
Here's a poem I read awhile ago but right now really hits home:
I will never know myself until I do this on my own,
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed,
I will never be anything till I break away from me,
I will break away, I'll find myself today.
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